
What is the branding about?

It is something that people feel about you, your products, service you provide or your business. The brand is the reason for distinguishing a pair of shoes and a pair of Nike.

As creators, we want to think it’s about us, our brilliant talent, our skills we’ve perfected over the years — all these magical things: color, space, shape, tension, harmony, typography, beauty, simplicity.Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 20.35.00

Therefore, Brand is not a logo or an image. Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 20.37.26.png

A great brand needs to stand for something, not for a lot of things, something is one thing. for example, Starbucks differentiates themselves in many ways and offer consistent brand experience in every Starbucks you visit. Starbucks created a unique community of coffee lover that they claimed they serving people, not coffee.

One key question? Can you put a monetary value on any particular brand or not?

In regards to Coca-Cola example, their brand worth a lot …. !?

According to an internal report of the company, 61% of the value of Coca-Cola corporation is related to its brand.

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Does it worth of protecting and nurturing?

Hmm… Of course YES , look at the above figure. Here are some points on how to protect and grow your brand:

  • Be different, the world is full of different products and services and make yours stands out.
  • Be vigilant, do not allow your brand do things that you should not
  • Be relevant, the marketplace and customer preferences are changing constantly, Therefore, make sure your band keeps up.

Untitled.pngBy watching the following video, I learned more:

Then, why do certain brands become great brands?

Brands that:
• connect,
• resonate
• and spread like wildfire…




After attending at this lecture, my group mate and I understood that how an effective brand can make a big different. Then, we designed the following logo for our product branding purposes..


According to my experience during my attendance at Kingston Market,

  • Customers were unable to figure our what our product might be.
  • A few customers asked whether we are selling toys-this suggests that we did not target our users accurately.

Unfortunately, my team mates and I did not notice that we needed to something about this brand, until we have attended at our first mock-presentation. Judges told us something very similar to customers’ comments.

What happened next? due to limit availability of enough time, we did not spend enough time to fix our brand. However, we managed to come up with a new brand. Untitled

what we did reminded me a famous Persian phrase:

Changing donkey saddle does not make any difference, instead, you must change the donkey!!!


This phrase means that: Modifying an unsuccessful plan is a wrong action. Unfortunately, in our final presentation, judges did not really like our brand/log. One of the judges stated that our brand is similar to one of world’s famous brands which can cause us a big issue if this business continued.

I learned, branding is not only limited to products, it can be related to my strengths and weaknesses as well. This is called Personal Branding. Personal branding is one way to promote your ability and skills for job interview purposes. Moreover, I understood that a successful brand requires to be creative, unique and eye catching. Branding to me means: sneezing lots of things in one thing. This is true, a successful brand needs to represent the firm capability and positive reputation rather than a simple image.


Finally, this topic and its related experiences helped me to understand, Brand is one the most important elements to businesses that need to be careful about it. A damaged reputation can cause a business big losses. If I would want to produce my product in the future, I have a valuable experience about branding that could help me to design a good one. Thanks to designing thinking module for its interesting content that by stimulating the real world business delivered us lots of new experiences and new skills.




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